Introduction Introduction


    The Survey of Schools: ICT in Education

    The objective of the European Survey of Schools: ICT in Education (known as ESSIE) was to benchmark progress in ICT in education in 31 countries: the EU27 together with Iceland, Norway, Croatia and Turkey. Over 190,000 students, head teachers and teachers completed questionnaires on the availability and use, including opinions and attitudes, of ICT in schools, contributing to the development of updated, relevant and efficient indicators as well as to the establishment of a long-term and continuous monitoring system on ICT access, use and impact.

    The survey of schools is one of a series in the European Union's cross-sector benchmarking activities comparing national progress to i2010 and EU2020 goals. There were two previous surveys; Europe 2002 and EU2005 surveys. A follow-up survey is being undertaken in 2018, to include data from parents.


    Documents from the survey:

    ·         Main report (high resolution, pdf)

    ·         Main report (low resolution, pdf 17.8MB)

    ·         Country reports:

    1.  Austria 

    2. Belgium

    3. Bulgaria

    4. Croatia

    5. Cyprus

    6. Czech Republic

    7. Denmark

    8. Estonia

    9. Finland

    10. France

    11. Germany

    12. Greece

    13. Hungary

    14. Iceland

    15. Ireland

    16. Italy

    17. Latvia

    18. Lithuania

    19. Luxembourg

    20. Malta

    21. Netherlands

    22. Norway

    23. Poland

    24. Portugal

    25. Romania

    26. Slovakia

    27. Slovenia

    28. Spain

    29. Sweden

    30. Turkey

    31. United Kingdom

    • An article in the European Journal of Education
    • summary of the main report and Hungary country report, by dr. Márta Hunya (In Hungarian)


    The Survey was funded by the European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate General. It was a partnership between European Schoolnet and the Service d’Approches Quantitatives des faits éducatifs in the Department of Education of the University of Liège.

    The focus of the study was on developing indicators and gathering and analysing data on students’ use, competence, and attitudes to ICT. Teacher and school level factors were investigated as regards their impact on students. The main areas of investigation were:

    ·         Students' digital competence and attitudes towards ICT 

    ·         Students' ICT use in /out of classroom 

    ·         Teachers' professional ICT use in/out of classroom 

    ·         Teachers’ attitudes towards pedagogical ICT use 

    ·         School infrastructure, connectivity and ICT access 

    ·         School leadership in ICT and ICT for pedagogy



    There is further information about the Survey of Schools: ICT in Education on the European Commission’s Digital Single Market website, including codebooks and datasets, and details of the 2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education, the results of which are to appear in 2018, covering progress in mainstreaming ICT in education and a definition of the conditions for the future connected classroom.